Lydia Med

Quality and Transparency

Quality and Transparency

Fully understanding the intricacies of the surgery/procedure you will be having, and choosing a qualified surgeon and an intermediary company -as well as facilities and post-operative care- are the factors that you should think about and research in detail before making a final decision about the surgery/procedure.

In order to assist your research and thinking process, we, Lydia Med with our professional team, stand out as the only company that offers a transparent and unique platform where our clients can freely share their thoughts, experiences, results, and recommendations about surgeries and surgeons.

With over 70,000 members, the Lydia Med community offers a variety of platforms where patients can speak publicly or privately and share images with new members. This gives cosmetic surgery an individual perspective that was not possible before Lydia Med. It is an opportunity to receive personal but impartial education and advice that has proven and continues to prove extremely positive among potential clients.

24/7 Patient Advisor

Private patient consultant who is with you throughout the whole process

Online Consultation

Online examination opportunity for our patients before and after the operation

Accommodation and Transfer

Accommodation in the comfort of a 5-star hotel and VIP transfer service within the city