Lydia Med

Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve

  • Average Length of Stay
    7 Days
  • Length of Stay in Hospital
    3 Days
  • Operation Duration
    1-3 Hours
  • Anesthesia
    General Anesthesia
  • Recovery Duration
    2 Weeks
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Gastric Sleeve

Compared to people who are at a healthy weight, those who are overweight or obese are more likely to experience a variety of significant diseases and medical issues. Sleep apnea and breathing issues, high blood pressure (hypertension), type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, low life quality, physical pain, trouble with daily activities, and mental illnesses such as clinical depression or anxiety are some of them. Therefore, treating weight disorders is crucial, and there are several operations available to do so when normal methods do not seem to work. One of these, the gastric sleeve, is discussed in this article.

What is Gastric Sleeve?

Sleeve gastrectomy, often known as gastric sleeve surgery, is a bariatric surgical operation. It leaves behind a small "sleeve" after removing a significant portion of your stomach. Having a smaller stomach helps in calorie restriction and lowers hunger cues. Clinically severe cases of obesity may benefit from this operation.

Reduced stomach size is a simple approach to limit the amount of food you can consume in one sitting, making you feel fuller, faster. It also accomplishes another task by limiting the quantity of hunger-inducing hormones your stomach can release. This helps to lessen cravings and hunger, which in turn may help people ignore the urges that lead them to gain back the weight they've lost.

A sleeve gastrectomy is typically performed via laparoscopic or robotic surgery in Turkey. This means that your surgeon will do the procedure through minor incisions rather than making a major incision (or cut) to open your abdominal cavity and allow access to your organs. This facilitates a quicker recovery, however, based on their conditions, certain patients may benefit more from open surgery.

In the first one to two years, you can expect to lose 25% to 30% of your body weight on average. Depending on the lifestyle habits you choose following the surgery, you can lose more or less weight.

Who Should Consider Having Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

This operation can be considered by:

  • Severely obese people (Class III). Your body mass index (BMI) which is based on your height, weight, and associated medical issues, will help to determine this. Class III obesity is defined as having a BMI of 40 or above or having a BMI of at least 35 together with at least one associated disease.
  • Persons who attempted to lose weight before surgery but were unsuccessful.
  • Persons who are prepared both physically and mentally for the operation and the healing process. You will visit a team of nutritionists, psychologists, and other medical specialists for counseling and screening before being considered for weight loss surgery.

Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey

The pricing range for gastric sleeve surgery, which has become more popular in recent years, varies in Turkey. The base prices differ according to the surgery equipment, different requirements, and the quality of the service. Hospitalization and intensive care duration have an impact on cost as well. Following gastric sleeve surgery, the typical hospital stay is two to three days. However, patients may occasionally be let go after the fourth day. Following the operation, patients can be brought to intensive care. This is yet another element that affects the cost. You can make a free consultation appointment to learn about our prices tailored to your needs.

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